Days of Rage

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Say Yes
Nothing But A Song To You
Fashion Girl
I Dont Want To Let You Go
Good As Can Be
Never Stop The Music
This Is The Moment
If You Wanna Dance
The Beat
I Love You
The Sun / Die Sonne
Days of Rage
What Happened Here
Let's Do Action
I want your love / Ich steh auf dich
It's All Behind Me
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Days of Rage

Political statement. About the dark side of Wall Street, companies like Goldman Sachs...

Lines that didn't make it into the song:
I don't understand that budget things
My guitar is where I pluck the strings
I give comment on an opinion poll
But others pull the strings in Capitol
Voting? Hey, what do elections bring?
Another puppet on the string!

Good sound effects in there. Listen to the guitar solo. It ends with a long tone. But this tone does not fade away, it seems to crumble away. Or the e-piano at verse two. It is not simply a chord, it changes the sound while the keys are hold in a way that you hear, that this is not a filter effect. And beforde verse two a nice synthie mix effect, where the synthie starts as stereo and then fades away in mono in the middle of the headphones.

Days of Rage

Eine politische Ansage. Über die dunkle Seite von Wall Street, über so Typen wie Goldman Sachs und andere

Days of Rage

They cut the ground from under my feet
They gamble my future on wall street
They let me beg for job and meal
And drink champagne to the next big deal

Masterminds behind a panelled wall
Bid on countries next to fall
But cut the budget of family support
It's only a number in a quaterly report

Election poster reads: Renew!
And Change - big talk on CNN
But if not us, tell me: who?
And if not now, tell me: when?

I raise my jar to the millionaire
I raise a toast: Now pay your share! (that's fair)
Now it's your turn to engage
In these Days of rage

We're not gonna take it anymore
We have to stop this right now
Days of rage
Days of rage
Days of rage

Music&Text: Henk Freytag

Album "Going Out For Summer": ISRC: ATI241200003
Album "Dreamgirl": ISRC: ATI241400009



Album "Dreamgirl"